Body Weapon

[Hand Striking]

Seiken (Fist)
Shuto (Knife hand)
Hiji / Enpi (Elbow)
Tettsui (Haummer fist)
Koken (Arc fist)
Uraken (Reverse fist / Back hand)
Haito (Reverse knife hand)
Nukite (Finger tip strike)
Shotei (Palm heel)
Kote (Forearm)


Sokuto (Knife edge foot)
Haisoku (Instep)
Kakato (Heel)
Hiza (Knee)
Chusoku (Ball of the foot)
Teisoku (Arch)
Sune (Shin)
Tsumasaki (Toe)


[Jodan - Neck and Head]

Ago (Chin / Jaw)
Me (Eye)
Hana (Nose)
Nodo (Throat)
Komekami / Kasumi (Temple)
Kuchi (Mouth)
Mimi (Ear)
Kubi (Neck)
Ganmen (Face)
Jinchu (Spot between nose & mouth)
Miken (Spot between eyes)

[Chudan - Torso area]

Suigetsu / Hara (Solar Plexus / Stomach)
Mune (Chest)
Sakotsu (Clavicle / Collarbone)
Rokkotsu / Abara (Rib)
Kata (Shoulder)
Hizo (Spleen)
Kanzo (Liver)
Senaka / Ushiro (Back)
Shinzo (Heart)
Ude (Arms)
Te (Hand) Yubi (Finger) Tekubi (Wrist) Kobushi / Ken (Fist)

[Gedan - Groin and legs]

Kinteki (Groin)
Ashi (Leg)
Hiza (Knee)
Kansetsu (Joint)
Momo (Thigh)
Koshi (Hip)
Sune (Shin)
Kakato (Heel)
Fukurahagi (Calf)


[Basic Stances]

Heisoku dachi (Closed foot stance)
Musubi dachi (Toes open & heels together)
Soto hachiji dachi (Outer figure 8 stance)
Moro ashi dachi (Feet parallel with one foot forward / Sanchin dachi with toes straight stance)
Kokutsu dachi (Back stance)
Kake ashi dachi (facing side with cross legs stance)
kousa dachi (facing forward wth legs cross stance)
Kiba dachi (Horse back riding stance)
Tsuru ashi dachi (Crane stance)
Heiko dachi (Parallel stance)
Uchi hachiji dachi (toes in with shoulder width stance)
Fudo dachi / Shizentai (Ready stance)
Sanchin dachi (Basic practice stance)
Neko ashi dachi (Cat stance)
Zenkutsu dachi (Forward stance)
Shiko dachi (Sumo stance)

[Seiken - Fist]

Seiken chudan / Jodan tsuki (Fist strike to the chudan / jodan)
Seiken ago uchi (Fist strike to the chin)
Uraken ganmen uchi (Back fist strike to the face)
Uraken sayu uchi (Back fist strike to the left & right opponents)
Uraken hizo uchi (Back fist strike to side of the stomach)
Uraken mawashi uchi (Back fist roundhouse strike to the temple)
Shita tsuki (Flipped fist strike to the middle section)
Enpi (Elbow strike)
* The term "Tsuki" often times pronounced "Zuki" with the "Z" sound.

[Shuto - Knife Hand ]

Shuto ganmen uchi (Shuto strike to the temple)
Shuto sakotsu uchi (Shuto down strike to the collarbone)
Shuto sakotsu uchikomi (Shuto forward strike to the collarbone)
Shuto uchi uchi (Shuto outward strike to the temple or neck)
Shuto hizo uchi (Shuto strike to the spleen/abdomen)

[Uke - Block]

Jodan uke (Upper block)
Soto uke (Middle section from outside to inside)
Uchi uke (Middle section from inside to outside)
Gedan barai (Lower block)
Kosa uke / Uchiuke gedanbarai (Uchiuke & gedanbarai at a same time)
Mawashi uke (Roundhouse block)
Shuto mawashi uke (Shuto roundhouse block)
Enkei gyaku tsuki (Reverse strike with circular motion block on Zenkutsu dachi stance)

[Keri - Kick]

Mae keage (Front upper kick with no knee snap)
Hiza geri (Knee kick)
Kinteki geri (Groin kick)
Mae geri (Front snap kick)
Yoko keage (Side upper kick with no knee snap)
Kansetsu geri (Knee joint kick)
Yoko geri (Side kick)
Ushiro geri (Back kick)
Uchi mawashi geri (Roundhouse kick with no knee snap outward)
Soto mawashi geri (Roundhouse kick with no knee snap inward)
Mawashi geri (Roundhouse kick)

[Kick Advance]

Ushiro mawashi geri (Spinning roundhouse kick)
Kakato otoshi (Ax kick)
Domawashi kaiten geri (Wheel kick)
Tobi geri (Jumping kick)
Nidan geri (Jumping kick with shuffle legs)
California Roll (Jumping kick spining frontwards) *Dojo Original


Zutsuki (Head-butt),
Taiatari (Tackle),
Kiai (Spirited shout)



Three basic principles of Kata =
Tempo of technique, Points of power stress, Breath control

Taikyoku sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)
*All Taikyoku Kata has Ura (Reverse = spin) Sokugi
Sokugi Taikyoku sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)
Sokugi Taikyoku sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3), sono yon (4), sono go (5)
*All Pinan Kata has Ura (Reverse = spin)
Tsuki no Kata
Gekisai sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)
Tekki sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)

[Weapon Kata]

Bo kihon sono ichi (1)
Nunchaku kihon sono ichi (1)
Tonfa kihon sono ichi (1)
Juji Kata & Juji keri no Kata *Kyokushin Original
Happo no Kuzushi *Kyokushin Original



1 (Ichi), 2 (Ni), 3 (San), 4 (Shi), 5 (Go), 6 (Roku), 7 (Shichi), 8 (Hachi), 9 (Kyu), 10 (Ju)

[Basic words1]

Sosai (director-general) / In Kyokushin, we define Sosai as Masutatsu Oyama the founder of Kyokushin
Kancho (Director) / In our organization, we define Kancho as Shokei Matsui
Kyokushin (Ultimate truth)
Hanmi (Upper body shifted angled to avoid direct strike and ready for your next move)
Tameshiwari / Shiwari (Braking demonstration)
Goshin jutsu (Self defense)
Kumite (Fight for practice reason)
Hokyo (Strength training e.g. Push ups)
Kentate (Fist push ups)
Yubitate (Finger push ups)
Fukkin (abdominal exercises / crunch / sit-up)
Haikin (Back extention)
Sukuwatto (Squat)
Sakadachi (Hand standing)
Junan (Stretching)
Bogu (Protection gear)
Mizu (Water)

[Basic words2]

Osu (In Dojo, it is use for "Yes, No, Hello, Hi, How are you? Good bye, etc... We use as courtesy call but it has meaning of Respect, patience, gratitude)
Osu onegai shimasu (Courtesy call when start the class / to your practice partner)
Osu Arigato gozaimashita (Thank you so much)
Osu Shitsurei shimasu (Excuse me)
Osu Shitsurei shimashita (I apologize)
Shodan Shinsa (Dan test / Black Belt test)
Shokyu Shinsa (Kyu Test / Color belt test)
Nyumon (Join to the Dojo)
Hamon (excommunicate)
Shonen bu (Kids class)
Joshi bu (Ladies class)
Ippan bu (Regular adult class)

[Shiai"competition" words ]

Shomen (Front)
Rei (Bow)
Otagai (Each other)
Kamaete (On guard)
Hajime (Start)
Yame (Stop)
Zokko (Continue)
Shushin (Referee)
Fukushin (Corner judge)
Aka (Red)
Shiro (White)
Chyui ichi (Warning 1)
Chyui ni (Warning 2)
Chyui san (3rd Chyui is Genten ichi)
Genten ichi (Minus 1 point)
Genten ni (Minus 2 point) = shikkaku (disqualified)
Waza ari (Half point)
Ippon (Knock out = fight ends)
Hantei onegai shimasu (Please give the judgment)
Hantei (Judgment)
Seiza (Sit down)
Anza (Sit down with cross legs)
Akushu (Shake hands)

[Hansoku "foul techniques" words ]

Ganmen oda (Face punch)
Tsukami (Grabbing)
Kinteki geri (Groin kick)
Nage (Throwing)
Kake (Hoock)
Kansetsu geri (Knee joint kick)
Atama wo tsuketeno kogeki (Attach with head on opponent)
Senaka / Sekizui eno kogeki (Strike to the back / spinal area)
Taoreta aite eno kogeki (Attack to the downed opponent)
Waza no kake nige (Throwing technique for escape purpose)
Seni soshitsu (Lost of intent to fight)


Ago (Chin / Jaw)
Aka (Red)
Akushu (Shake hands)
Ashi (Leg)
Atama wo tsuketeno kogeki (Attach with head on opponent)


Bo kihon sono ichi (1)
Bogu (Protection gear)


California Roll (Jumping kick spining frontwards) *Dojo Original
Chudan (Torso area)
Chusoku (Ball of the foot)
Chyui (Warning)


Domawashi kaiten geri (Wheel kick)


Enkei gyaku tsuki (Reverse strike with circular motion block on Zenkutsu dachi stance)
Enpi (Elbow strike)


Fudo dachi / Shizentai (Ready stance)
Fukkin (abdominal exercises / crunch / sit-up)
Fukurahagi (Calf)


Ganmen (Face)
Gedan (Groin and legs)
Gedan barai (Lower block)
Gekisai sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)
Ganmen oda (Face punch)
Genten ichi (Minus 1 point)
Genten ni (Minus 2 point) = shikkaku (disqualified)
Goshin jutsu (Self defense)


Haisoku (Instep)
Haikin (Back extention)
Haito (Reverse knife hand)
Hajime (Start)
Hamon (excommunicate)
Hana (Nose)
Hanmi (Upper body shifted angled to avoid direct strike and ready for your next move)
Hantei (Judgment)
Hantei onegai shimasu (Please give the judgment)
Happo no Kuzushi *Kyokushin original
Heiko dachi (Parallel stance)
Heisoku dachi (Closed foot stance)
Hiji / Enpi (Elbow)
Hiza (Knee)
Hiza geri (Knee kick)
Hizo (Spleen)
Hokyo (Strength training e.g. Push ups)


Ippan bu (Regular adult class)
Ippon (Knock out = fight ends)


Jinchu (Spot between nose & mouth)
Jodan (Neck and Head)
Jodan uke (Upper block)
Joshi bu (Ladies class)
Juji Kata & Juji keri no Kata *Kyokushin Original
Junan (Stretching)


Kakato (Heel)
Kakato otoshi (Ax kick)
Kancho (Director) / In our organization, we define Kancho as Shokei Matsui
Kansetsu (Joint)
Kansetsu geri (Knee joint kick)
Kanzo (Liver)
Kasumi (Temple)
Kata (Shoulder)
Kake (Hoock)
Kake ashi dachi (facing side with cross legs stance)
Kamaete (On guard)
Kentate (Fist push ups)
Kiai (Spirited shout)
Kiba dachi (Horse back riding stance)
Kinteki (Groin)
Kinteki geri (Groin kick)
Kobushi / Ken (Fist)
Koken (Arc fist)
Kokutsu dachi (Back stance)
Komekami (Temple)
Kosa uke / Uchiuke gedanbarai (Uchiuke & gedanbarai at a same time)
Koshi (Hip)
Kote (Forearm)
kousa dachi (facing forward wth legs cross stance)
Kubi (Neck)
Kuchi (Mouth)
Kumite (Fight for practice reason)
Kyokushin (Ultimate truth)



Mae geri (Front snap kick)
Mae keage (Front upper kick with no knee snap)
Mawashi geri (Roundhouse kick)
Mawashi uke (Roundhouse block)
Mawatte (Turn)
Me (Eye)
Miken (Spot between eyes)
Mimi (Ear)
Mizu (Water)
Momo (Thigh)
Moro ashi dachi (Feet parallel with one foot forward / Sanchin dachi with toes straight stance)
Mune (Chest)
Musubi dachi (Toes open & heels together)


Nage (Throwing)
Neko ashi dachi (Cat stance)
Nidan geri (Jumping kick with shuffle legs)
Nodo (Throat)
Nukite (Finger tip strike)
Nunchaku kihon sono ichi (1)
Nyumon (Join to the Dojo)


Oshi (Push)
Osu (In Dojo, it is use for "Yes, No, Hello, Hi, How are you? Good bye, etc...We use as courtesy call but it has meaning of Respect, patience, gratitude)
Osu Arigato gozaimashita (Thank you so much)
Osu onegai shimasu (Courtesy call when start the class / to your practice partner)
Osu Shitsurei shimashita (I apologize)
Osu Shitsurei shimasu (Excuse me)
Otagai (Each other)




Rei (Bow)
Rokkotsu / Abara (Rib)


Sakadachi (Hand standing)
Sakotsu (Clavicle / Collarbone)
Sanchin dachi (Basic practice stance)
Seiken (Fist)
Seiken ago uchi (Fist strike to the chin)
Seiken chudan / Jodan tsuki (Fist strike to the chudan / jodan)
Seiza (Sit down)
Senaka / Ushiro (Back)
Senaka / Sekizui eno kogeki (Strike to the back / spinal area)
Seni soshitsu (Lost of intent to fight)
Shiko dachi (Sumo stance)
Shinzo (Heart)
Shita tsuki (Flipped fist strike to the middle section)
Shiro (White)
Shodan Shinsa (Dan test / Black Belt test)
Shokyu Shinsa (Kyu Test / Color belt test)
Shonen bu (Kids class)
Shomen (Front)
Shotei (Palm heel)
Shushin (Referee)
Shuto (Knife hand)
Shuto hizo uchi (Shuto strike to the spleen/abdomen)
Shuto ganmen uchi (Shuto strike to the temple)
Shuto sakotsu uchi (Shuto down strike to the collarbone)
Shuto sakotsu uchikomi (Shuto forward strike to the collarbone)
Shuto uchi uchi (Shuto outward strike to the temple or neck)
Shuto mawashi uke (Shuto roundhouse block)
Sokugi Taikyoku sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)
Sokugi Taikyoku sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3), sono yon (4), sono go (5)
Soki Sokuto (Knife edge foot)
Sosai (director-general) / In Kyokushin, we define Sosai as Masutatsu Oyama the founder of Kyokushin
Soto hachiji dachi (Outer figure 8 stance)
Soto mawashi geri (Roundhouse kick with no knee snap inward)
Soto uke (Middle section from outside to inside)
Suigetsu / Hara (Solar Plexus / Stomach)
Sukuwatto (Squat)
Sune (Shin)


Taiatari (Tackle)
Taikyoku sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)
Tameshiwari / Shiwari (Braking demonstration)
Taoreta aite eno kogeki (Attack to the downed opponent)
Te (Hand)
Teisoku (Arch)
Tekubi (Wrist)
Tekki sono ichi (1), sono ni (2), sono san (3)
Tettsui (Haummer fist)
Tobi geri (Jumping kick)
Tonfa kihon sono ichi (1)
Tsukami (Grabbing)
Tsuki no Kata
Tsumasaki (Toe)
Tsuru ashi dachi (Crane stance)


Ude (Arms)
Uchi uke (Middle section from inside to outside)
Uchi hachiji dachi (toes in with shoulder width stance)
Uchi mawashi geri (Roundhouse kick with no knee snap outward)
Uraken (Reverse fist / Back hand)
Uraken ganmen uchi (Back fist strike to the face)
Uraken hizo uchi (Back fist strike to side of the stomach)
Uraken mawashi uchi (Back fist roundhouse strike to the temple)
Uraken sayu uchi (Back fist strike to the left & right opponents)
Ushiro geri (Back kick)
Ushiro mawashi geri (Spinning roundhouse kick)



Waza ari (Half point)
Waza no kake nige (Throwing technique for escape purpose)



Yame (Stop)
Yoko geri (Side kick)
Yoko keage (Side upper kick with no knee snap)
Yubi (Finger)
Yubitate (Finger push ups)


Zenkutsu dachi (Forward stance)
Zokko (Continue)
Zutsuki (Head-butt)